17 Rocks Chocolates

Chocolatiers In Seventeen Mile Rocks 4073

17 Rocks Chocolates - Chocolatiers In Seventeen Mile Rocks

About Us

17Rocks is Brisbane's first bean to bar chocolate manufacturer. We are a family owned and operated company. 17 Rocks makes healthy, single origin stone-ground chocolates from cacao beans grown and fermented in Papua New Guinea. We control 100% of the chocolate making process to ensure we retain as much of the bean's nutrition as possible. We slow roast our beans at a low temperature and only use natural ingredients such as fresh ingredients such as spices and whole fruits. We use our pure, healthy chocolates to create our chocolate bars in 19 different flavours, 10 different flavoured hot chocolates, and custom designed 3d chocolates.

  • 17 Rocks Chocolates - Chocolatiers In Seventeen Mile Rocks
  • 17 Rocks Chocolates - Chocolatiers In Seventeen Mile Rocks
  • 17 Rocks Chocolates - Chocolatiers In Seventeen Mile Rocks

17 Rocks Chocolates

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Chocolatiers in Seventeen Mile Rocks
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