Star Config
Web Designers In Parramatta NSW
- Business Name
- Star Config
- Official Website
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- Business Number
- 55261377848
- Testimonials
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- Phone Number
- 0431819032
- Business Type
- Web Designers
- Business Location
- 103 George St
Parramatta 2150
New South Wales
About Us
In 2007, a group of people with their mutual interest and passion for web designing met. That meeting led to one thing and another and finally the group decided to take their passion for the internet and design to the next level by starting up a company. Three years later, in 2010, the group began to offer their services under the brand name, Star Config.
This was the birth of Star Config and we have not looked back since. We love our work. Few things in life excite us as much as an excellently designed website. That is what we strive to provide to our clients. We want you to be as happy with your website as we are when we design it.
The Idea
The idea for starting up a website design agency was not something we decided on without planning. Of course, the idea was certainly conceived in a moment of pure inspiration and it was a brilliant one. However, when we thought deeply about it, we realised that people needed a guiding hand that could design attractive websites. When you want your online business to be a success, you need your website to be designed beautifully. Otherwise, it is not going to be easy to establish a strong presence on the internet.
The Story behind the Name
We chose the name Star Config for a very particular reason. As you may have guessed, it is made up of two words ‘star’ and ‘config’. Config stands for configuration as we will configure your website for your success. A star is something we all aspire to as it is express the highest peak that can be achieved. That is why we chose it for our name as our services are of an excellent quality.
We Handle it All!
We can handle it all, from logo design and graphic design to website design and programming. You can entrust us to handle the project with care because we want you to tell your friends how beneficial our services have been to your operation. You will have a lasting relationship with us, so you know who to call on for future needs relating to design services. When you need a web designer Sydney, the choice is simple, call Star Config.
Our team helps us in providing the following services
- Website Design and Development
- Website Hosting
- Domain Name Registration
- E-Commerce Website
- SEO & SEM Internet Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Support and Tutorials
We Will Make You the Website You Deserve!
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