C2 Martial Arts

Martial Arts Schools In Ocean Reef WA

C2 Martial Arts

About Us
C2 Martial Arts is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Legion 13 academy, focused on teaching you how to protect yourself, using martial arts and self defence, in a family-friendly environment.

 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a weaponless 'martial art' that focuses on grappling and ground work. It is effective even against a bigger and stronger opponent, as it uses leverage over strength. BJJ was designed to defend the weaker, smaller person, to allow them to stay in control of a situation until the opponent retreats by using submissions and escapes. We will give you the skills, positioning and techniques necessary to escape undue harm and to defend yourself against a perpetrator. Self-defence is critical in the times we live in.

We have kids, teenagers and adults Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) classes. We offer home-schoolers one class a week, using Kidsport vouchers, during the school terms (fully covered). We also offer a kickboxing class for adults. We are an MMA academy! 

Don't leave yourself powerless in a dangerous situation. Call Crimson today for your free no obligation trial or sign up on our website. www.calendly.com/c2martialarts We are in Ocean Reef, 7 minutes from Joondalup and we are proudly a Legion 13 affiliated gym.


  • C2 Martial Arts - Martial Arts Schools In Ocean Reef
  • C2 Martial Arts - Martial Arts Schools In Ocean Reef

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Legion 13 Black Belt - Crimson Cruz

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