Bluff Road Psychology

Counselling & Mental Health In Sandringham VIC

Bluff Road Psychology

About Us
Bluff Road Psychology is a specialist Psychologist clinic with a well-regarded psychology team offering extensive experience in helping people with psychological, emotional, cognitive, academic, and physical health difficulties.Our Psychologists have extensive experience and are qualified professional clinical, health, neuro and child psychologists. They work with a range of mental heath issues including Mood disorders, Trauma related disorders, Addiction disorders, easting disorders, ADHD, stress, sleep disorders such as insomnia as well as paediatric assessments.Specialized assessment services are also available. We work with our clients in a confidential, empathic, and comfortable setting. We focus on providing solutions that are individually tailored and will have a positive impact on daily life. We provide in person appointments and Telehealth Services to suit your requirements. provides clinical supervision, involving the provision of up to date evidence-based training, assessment, psychological interventions, and mentoring of mental health practitioners and psychologists within the practice and abroad. All clinical supervisors are AHPRA approved by the Psychology Board of Australia and are highly skilled to develop ethical and competent psychologists and registrars working towards endorsement through ongoing professional development, individual and group supervision training in the areas of Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, Educational & Developmental Psychology.

  • Bluff Road Psychology - Counselling & Mental Health In Sandringham
  • Bluff Road Psychology - Counselling & Mental Health In Sandringham
  • Bluff Road Psychology - Counselling & Mental Health In Sandringham
  • Bluff Road Psychology - Counselling & Mental Health In Sandringham

Bluff Road Psychology

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