Southern Divers

Environmental Consultancy In Cheltenham VIC

Southern Divers

About Us
Southern Divers is a commercial diving company based in Melbourne with an office in Warrnambool. Our highly skilled team has over 60 years’ experience working in the industry. We aim to deliver professional, quality and efficient services. Our staff hold relevant qualifications, have detailed knowledge of industry standards, and undertake ongoing training.

Safety is our utmost priority. Southern Divers aims to reduce risks by utilising state of the art equipment that is serviced in accordance with manufacturers recommendations by our qualified technician. Southern Divers owns its own dive systems, work platforms and vessels.

Southern Diving is committed to meeting the needs of our clients and understands the importance of effective planning and communication.

Southern Divers key personnel have extensive experience within the commercial diving industry. Southern Divers are industry leaders.

  • Southern Divers - Environmental Consultancy In Cheltenham
  • Southern Divers - Environmental Consultancy In Cheltenham
  • Southern Divers - Environmental Consultancy In Cheltenham

Southern Divers

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Environmental Consultancy in Australia
Environmental Consultancy in Cheltenham
Environmental Consultancy in Victoria

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