Dee Why RSL

Restaurants In Dee Why NSW

Dee Why RSL

About Us
On 26 January 1937 13 men gathered together to form a Dee Why / Collaroy Sub-Branch of the RSL. These actions would in turn become the beginning of an integral part of Dee Why’s history.

In July that same year the RSL State Branch granted permission for an affiliation and the 13 men found an appropriate location on Pittwater Road named Luana Hall. Luana had originally been built as an MGM Cinema, it was leased by the Sub-Branch and by 6 October 1937 the first meeting was held there.

The Sub-Branch made great use of the hall, holding dances, card parties and raising funds for the war effort to provide improved services and facilities. Collaroy was granted their own charter in 1945. In June 1948 Luana was purchased for a total of £6009!

The club has continued to grow and today Dee Why RSL is proud to provide services to more than 40,000 members. The importance of the clubs heritage is remembered daily through the recital of The Ode which plays every evening at 6.00pm.

  • Dee Why RSL - Restaurants In Dee Why
  • Dee Why RSL - Restaurants In Dee Why
  • Dee Why RSL - Restaurants In Dee Why
  • Dee Why RSL - Restaurants In Dee Why

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