Montano Strata Management

Property Managers In Leichhardt NSW

Montano Strata Management

About Us
Montano Strata is a family run business that cares for you, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship between our team and Owner Corporations. We work collaboratively with Owner Corporations to achieve our common goals. Montana Strata Management is known all around Sydney, NSW. We provide maintenance of high rise commercial and residential buildings in close coordination with the Owner's Corporation. Nonetheless, Strata Managers broadly involves ensuring legal & insurance compliance besides maintenance accounts, records and ensuring financial and social administration with regard to disputes of any nature that may arise in the day-to-day working of the body corporate.

Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

Reviews and testimonials for 'Montano Strata Management' are published on the Pure Local Business Directory after undergoing verification and manual screening. We kindly ask that you refrain from posting a review if you have received a reward or are associated with the owner. In case of an unfavorable review, the directory members are given the opportunity to respond before the review is finally published. If you would like to post a customer review, please click here.

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