Ultimate Epoxy Flooring

Flooring In Stanmore NSW

Ultimate Epoxy Flooring

About Us
Ultimate Epoxy Flooring range offers a heavy duty floor coating that is highly resistant to dirt and water. It is a reasonable flooring solution for larger floors that provides easy to clean and strong material. It perfectly suits application where a durable surface is necessary because it will be subject to high wear and tear. Most common applications include Garages, Workshops, Warehouses, Factories, Food Industries and so forth. A variety of finishes can be selected from our collection of Ultimate Epoxy Flooring coats, such as:

- Our everyday single color excellent choice for a polished look.

- Our Flake finish colored flake ingrained in a single everyday color providing a marbled look.

- Our Metallic colored pigments blended into our everyday single color offering a beautiful pear look to your floor.

We Provide Service to the Following Industries:

- Warehouse Epoxy Flooring

- Workshop Epoxy Flooring

- Garage Epoxy Flooring

- Factory Epoxy Flooring

- Food Industries Epoxy Flooring

- Showrooms and display suits

- Sports and entertainment facilities

- Petroleum industry

- Aircraft Hangers

- Distribution and transport industry

  • Ultimate Epoxy Flooring - Flooring In Stanmore
  • Ultimate Epoxy Flooring - Flooring In Stanmore
  • Ultimate Epoxy Flooring - Flooring In Stanmore

Ultimate Epoxy Flooring

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