Howling Wolves Studios

Music Schools In Whitebridge NSW

Howling Wolves Studios

About Us
Howling Wolves Studios is a music tutoring business in Whitebridge, Newcastle, Australia. It specialises in guitar, bass guitar and ukulele lessons. Bass guitar lessons at the studio are customised and tailored to suit each student's level of experience and interests.

The studio has an open door policy, and encourages parents, family and friends to sit in on lessons, if they wish. Howling Wolves Studios is run and owned by Newcastle muso Eddie Garven has over a decade of experience teaching guitar, bass guitar and ukulele and has a current working with children check.

Howling Wolves Studios provides a fun, comfortable and structured learning environment that builds confidence within the student. Each student's creative freedom and own unique voice is developed and encouraged.

  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge
  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge
  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge
  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge
  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge
  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge
  • Howling Wolves Studios - Music Schools In Whitebridge

Guitar, Bass Guitar and Ukulele Lessons in Newcastle

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Music Schools in Australia
Music Schools in Whitebridge
Music Schools in New South Wales

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