Plan B Plumbing

Plumbers In Oakleigh VIC

Plan B Plumbing

About Us
Plan B Plumbing Solutions offer leak detection services, damage assessment reporting and plumbing repairs throughout Metro Melbourne. Using state-of-the-art, non-invasive sound and infrared water leak detection technologies, we can locate and repair the problem quickly. We also offer full-colour CCTV inspections on stormwater and sewer drains, using state of the art CCTV push camera system technology to locate blockages or structural defects. We provide free quotes and don't charge a call-out fee. Contact us today and let's talk about how we can help you with your plumbing needs.

  • Plan B Plumbing - Plumbers In Oakleigh
  • Plan B Plumbing - Plumbers In Oakleigh
  • Plan B Plumbing - Plumbers In Oakleigh

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