Post Padding Australia
Sporting Goods Manufacturers In Beresfield NSW

- Business Name
- Post Padding Australia
- Official Website
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- Business Number
- 51134685180
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- Phone Number
- 0409688721
- Business Type
- Sporting Goods Manufacturers
- Business Location
- 18 Elwell Cl
Beresfield 2322
New South Wales
About Us
Australian recreational life revolves around the outdoors, with sport being an integral part. Increasingly, there is an onus upon sport and education organizations to provide environments that ensure the safety of all that use facilities where the activity takes place. In an era where public liability is such a factor, the importance of ensuring that all exposed posts, poles, light posts, and hard vertical obstructions are padded and safe for contact has never been higher.
Make your centre safe and secure with our range of protective padding.

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