Coomera Anglican College

Schools In Upper Coomera QLD

Coomera Anglican College

About Us
Coomera Anglican College is Preparatory -Year 12 co-educational day school located in Upper Coomera. The college also incorporates an Early Learning Centre catering for children Pre-Prep children. Coomera Anglican College is renowned for quality teachers and supportive community. Students are encouraged to achieve their personal best and strive for excellence.
The college offers specialised programmes including Football, Netball and Basketball Sporting Academies, Infinity and Beyond Program for advanced students, various service-based and cocurricular programmes. Anglican faith plays an integral part the College culture and values.

  • Coomera Anglican College - Schools In Upper Coomera
  • Coomera Anglican College - Schools In Upper Coomera
  • Coomera Anglican College - Schools In Upper Coomera
  • Coomera Anglican College - Schools In Upper Coomera

Preparatory -Year 12 co-educational day school

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