Rachel Dhanjal Kinesiology

Health & Medical Specialists In Bull Creek WA

Rachel Dhanjal Kinesiology

About Us
What is getting in your way? Is it you?

Rachel supports anxious stressed out women to have more calm, confidence and control so anxiety and fear can take a back seat and their true selves can shine through.

Many of her clients are highly strung perfectionists, over-achievers and people-pleasers.

They experience daily self-criticism, chronic worry, and live inconstant fear that everyone might notice… they’re not good enough.

She uses a combination of tools including Kinesiology, Timeline Therapy,Emotional Freedom Technique and Coaching to identify and release stress patterns, bringing the mind and body back to a state of balance and ease. 

  • Rachel Dhanjal Kinesiology - Health & Medical Specialists In Bull Creek
  • Rachel Dhanjal Kinesiology - Health & Medical Specialists In Bull Creek
  • Rachel Dhanjal Kinesiology - Health & Medical Specialists In Bull Creek

Breakthrough Anxiety and Fear, Crack Open Your Life

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