Saltwater Picnic Co.

Outdoor Gear Retailers In Berkeley Vale NSW

Saltwater Picnic Co.

About Us
Saltwater Picnic Co. is an Australian business that designs and manufactures Picnic Rugs and Accessories. 

All Saltwater Picnic Rugs are all crafted 100% from recycled fabric which saves around 100 water bottles from entering landfill and waterways. 

The eco-friendly fabrics are all stain-proof, water and sand resistant, and machine washable.

  • Saltwater Picnic Co. - Outdoor Gear Retailers In Berkeley Vale
  • Saltwater Picnic Co. - Outdoor Gear Retailers In Berkeley Vale
  • Saltwater Picnic Co. - Outdoor Gear Retailers In Berkeley Vale

Australia's Most Perfect Picnic Rug

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