Scream Machines

Musical Instrument Retailers In Curlewis VIC

Scream Machines

About Us
Scream Machines is all about you achieving the sound you want. Musicianship is one thing - but ask and producer or engineer if it's everything. The boutique guitar pedal makers out there, and even some of the big names, are breaking new ground all the time. It's a journey many are on; and you can get on board too. Take your audience somewhere with your guitar solos, using effects they haven't heard before. Or, for the purist, the tweeks and nuances possible today are incredible with the right gear. We can help you on a journey to a unique and useful sound that will get A&R attention, and will get audiences wanting to hear more. Our policy is to give you value and to give you a window to new artistic possibilities. There are effects being designed that really are unique and beautiful, as well as extreme, and some incredibly convincing clones of classics that are amazing value for money. As we build our range of pedals and accessories, come back and check what's on offer.

  • Scream Machines - Musical Instrument Retailers In Curlewis
  • Scream Machines - Musical Instrument Retailers In Curlewis
  • Scream Machines - Musical Instrument Retailers In Curlewis

Guitar effects pedals.

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