DDS Diamond Design Studios

Jewellery Stores In Burnside SA

DDS Diamond Design Studios

About Us
DDS Diamond Design Studios have been making handmade engagement rings in Adelaide and individual jewellery pieces for two generations with all designs created in-house.

We are an award winning family business, originating in Switzerland and have been established in Adelaide, Australia for over 50 years. Our parent company “Moser” was presented with the Australian Goldsmith Association 1st Prize for jewellery craftsmanship and design excellence in 1993.

DDS Diamonds was honoured with the title of “Best Ring Manufacturer in Australia” by the Australian Bridal Industry Academy (ABIA) back to back, for 2015, 2016 and 2018, winning the prestigious Designer of Dreams Award.

  • DDS Diamond Design Studios - Jewellery Stores In Burnside
  • DDS Diamond Design Studios - Jewellery Stores In Burnside
  • DDS Diamond Design Studios - Jewellery Stores In Burnside

Highest quality jewellery manufacturer in South Australia

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