Primal Physiotherapy Camberwell

Physiotherapists In Camberwell VIC

Primal Physiotherapy Camberwell

About Us
Primal Physiotherapy - Camberwell helps guide you through your injury so you can return back to life, work, and exercise pain-free. We assess through your recovery whether its back pain, shoulder pain, or all types of pain that are restricting your body from doing what you do every day. Located at 782 Burke Rd Camberwell our practice has the latest equipment that is not some old boring practice. Give us a visit and learn more about improving your body today.

  • Primal Physiotherapy Camberwell - Physiotherapists In Camberwell
  • Primal Physiotherapy Camberwell - Physiotherapists In Camberwell
  • Primal Physiotherapy Camberwell - Physiotherapists In Camberwell

Best Physiotherapist in Camberwell

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