CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy

Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy VIC

CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy

About Us
The CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy is the perfect place to retire if you want a place that reminds you of growing up in the northern part of Melbourne. Situated on the borderof GE Clarke Reserve, you can wake up each morning to the beautifulsound of native birds. Enjoy gentle physical exercises. And live lifecomfortably at the hands of our professional care staff.

Aged care Glenroy takes care of a lot of aged care needs , including palliative care, respite care, dementia care, and the traditional aged care services.

Feel free to choose a room that you would feel comfortable living in the most. Rooms overlook courtyard gardens,  and maintained grounds. A beautiful view to wake up to.

Located conveniently close to outside amenities in North Melbourne. Give us a call on (03) 8311 3600. Or enquire personally at 7 Lewis St, Glenroy, Victoria to see the residential units yourself.

  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy
  • CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy - Aged Care & Rest Homes In Glenroy

CraigCare Aged Care Glenroy

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