Royal Gurkhas Institute Of Technology

Colleges In Melbourne VIC

Royal Gurkhas Institute Of Technology

About Us
RGIT Australia(Royal Gurkhas Institute Of Technology)(RTO No: 22088) is Australia’s leading institution dedicated to working towards the advancement of vocational skill learning and training sector.

At RGIT, we provide full range of courses that will help local and International students to excel in their respective career. Our courses provide fantastic hands on learning opportunities, whether it is on to further learning in the college or at university, into an apprenticeship, first job, or taking your job at a higher level.

We offer a vast number of disciplines from certificates to degree courses, full and part time diploma courses, online and distance learning, apprenticeship and professional qualification certificates.


Our dedicated trainers and support staff are committed to providing an outstanding education for everyone who learns with us. In our efforts to provide quality education, we actively support the current development of teaching methodology, involving interdisciplinary learning, integration of theory and practice as well as distance and online learning.

We have two established campus locations: Melbourne and Hobart. Are you ready to be ambitious? Head to our website: and explore our courses and enrollment process.

Take control of your career!

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