Grasshopper Soccer

Sports Clubs In South Perth WA

Grasshopper Soccer

About Us
Grasshopper Soccer's goal is to teach kids how fun soccer can be! We aim to teach and develop soccer skills to children in a safe and enjoyable environment. Founded in 1990, we have 20 years of experience in sharing our love of sport with kids. Our programs are dynamic- growing and changing with us as we develop, ensuring children continue to love and enjoy this game.

Grasshopper Soccer programs are designed for children aged 2-12 years. Each program provides a building block upon which children can improve their game and develop their character. More than just a game, we see Grasshopper soccer as a valuable addition to children’s learning over short but important period of time. 

We recognise the importance of developing skills in a non-competitive way, allowing the kids to develop relationships with their teammates, promoting social and mental awareness along with improving physical prowess. We know that the social interaction involved in our programs is just as important as any one ball skill. The children learn how to interact in a stress-free environment, learning how to share, take turns, listen to instructions, and work as a team.

Our objective is to focus on delivery and education, strengthening our position as motivators and coaches. We work with children from 2-12 focusing on promoting soccer skills and healthy lifestyles through a comprehensive and non-competitive program that sees our participants grow socially, physically and mentally.

We believe that parental involvement is a key element at Grasshopper Soccer. We encourage parents to support their children, especially in those programs designed for younger players. 

Our programs run all year round, on weekdays and weekends. We offer programs during the school term and also have a great range of holiday programs.

  • Grasshopper Soccer - Sports Clubs In South Perth
  • Grasshopper Soccer - Sports Clubs In South Perth
  • Grasshopper Soccer - Sports Clubs In South Perth

Kids Soccer Franchise Australia

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